Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Session 15: Class |V D

This session was great!! This was the first time i felt that the kids were free and responding well with body and sounds. They have begun to explore their space and levels and even body parts and movement and how each part of their body moves and expresses. We made them together do situations and comparisons between scenarios and locations. They adapted well to the change and the pace of the session and the understood the difference well which you could see in their movement. The are understanding the difference between freedom and rigidness of both expression and movement through the elements. After that we divided them into groups to come up with possible ideas keeping in mind all the sessions we have done and come up with an idea for what they want to present as a performance. It was a hard thing for them to do. Kids take time to adjust to things and i feel after so long they have become comfortable with their bodies and expressions because it depends on a lot of things, moods, weather, focus, fun. So making them come up with stories or narratives is a little tough because they are still stuck in the "moral mode," because they write like that in their classes and have been tough to do so, since they were younger. After the session we asked them how they felt and they said " When we were in the forest we felt free and fresh and in the city we felt cramped and heavy." We encourage then to think like an element, feel like and element rather than feeling like a human.
But in all there is a difference between the first day and today!!! Little difference but still-a difference!

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