Monday, July 19, 2010

Session 2: |V D

Introducing Class 4 D
We did the same thing as in the method as we did for class 3C the theme was spontaneous reactions and this class was much easier to work with as the were older.
We started first by focusing and concentrating and then slowly imagining and then expressing the element through your body.
With this class the voice commands were more easily understood and the kids felt it they were very serious and wernt as giggle as the younger kids. We started by first slowly moving one part of the body like the arms and making them as liquid like water as they could and then the hips and then the neck and after they are completely liquid then we put the movement into it. This class wasn't inhibited by any element. They the same way did air and earth as well. They knew the different materials and they moved accordingly. Clay was very interesting to see as they kept sculpting themselves in various positions. The School had a learning Center that i knew off but I didn't know that I would have a blind girl in my class, Iris. She is very well trained to judge distances with sound. When looking at her you cant make out that she is blind. When I got introduced to the class she was extremely apprehensive to meet me but then she got accustomed to me being around. It was her birthday that day! Her reactions were very different as she didnt have any pre conceived notions of the elements because she hadn't seen them and expreienced them the way the other kids had. It was refreshing to see what she came up with. The only command she followed like the rest of the class was FREEZE!. The other kids when the were asked to do water they started wriggling like fish or the waves and she with her duppata kept dancing around in circles. :) It was really nice!
After the class I asked the kids to draw what they felt.


  1. ok so you are doing these exercises, doing the usual Ted talks crap, looking at Howard Gardner, Ken Robinson etc (read his book THE ELEMENT) .. but I want to know what you are discovering for yourself through this process. Can you elucidate?

  2. Hey avy, this process is part of my research for designing an activity kit for children based on these workshops on the theme air, water and earth. Iam also introducing the child to these exercises and to other techniques that they can further use. So this process is my research.

  3. ok i do understand that this is research - but try to isolate what the research is actually giving you in terms of small ideas, nudges, etc. And where has the element FIRE disappeared to?

  4. Avy these themse have been taken from there text books and they are not studing fire as yet in E.V.S
