This session with class 3 C we decided to focus on one element: AIR. keeping from last sessions feedback many of them found air difficult to do as it wasn't a tangible object that we could see or touch. It was a sense, a feeling. We started with a discussion how do we see air or feel air, and very interesting things came out. The first one being the obvious wind and storm. Then we started moving to our daily life and some said fan but we went to complex things like running and then "When balloon fills up with us blowing into it we know the sir is present."
"We also know there is air present when we breath when our lungs go in and out."
" Air is also there when we fly a kite"
" Even when a bird is flying it pushes the air from its wings"
After hearing their discussion we started with a breathing exercise and imagining the colour of their breath going inside and bloating your stomach. It was also a concentrating exercise to get them in the mode. After them being relaxed and taken some deep breaths in we asked them to start getting up very lightly and blow and imaginary bubble in front of then and then step inside and see how you can move in that bubble and what you feel. Do you feel light? or trapped?
After the session I gave them paper to draw or to make a visual of what they felt or what they saw, I also gave them an exercise to look through magazines and news papers and cut out things related to air and make a collage. I also introduced them to KWL charts.
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