Sunday, August 8, 2010

Session 7 Class ||| C

After speaking with Dharma last weekend I realized how important it is for the children first to scribble and use the paper for catharsis. To just let go and go wild without any structure or any fear of being graded and doing what's right to fulfill others expectations. This experience was very new to them. One of them came up to me and said " Its like feeling like a child again" :)
While I was loitering around the corridors of the school I came across the class 3 art period. I was extremely curious to know what they do in this class. I was very upset to see how this class was conducted. The teacher had drawn on the board and the children had to copy it. They were not allowed to do what they wanted to do or interpret things the way they wanted to. So I decided that in my class they can "go wild". I made them stand and draw, sit and draw, lie down and draw. At first they were very very apprehensive to do that. They didn't want to scibble. I had to play a game of "Simon says" to actually get them into the momentum and once they were free there was no looking back. Some were lying down and drawing, others were jumping with excitement. It was really refreshing to see that smile on the children's faces. Iam later going to turn their drawings into sets for our performance. Can't Wait!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful idea to use their drawings for the sets. I am sure they will be proud of their work!
