Today's session was great!
Taking some points from the talk I had with Varun and Vivek I decided to combine movement and drawing today. I noticed that when I used to tell them to draw from home and come they used to loose the feeling and imagination, experienced in class. So I decided they will draw in class. We focused again on air as the kids find it very difficult to express. We started off by playing a word association game. I gave them chits on which there was written one word relating to the themes like WET, DRY, FLAT, BLUE and the first association that came to their minds without thinking they had to write it down.
We then began with our bodies to express the element air, and feel like either a balloon expanding or a kite flying or a bird. This time I thought the kids were becoming more and more accustomed to this process. With the object automatically came the sound and we let them go with the flow. Today we also experimented with different speeds. We also taught them breathing. What happens when the sir fill up your lungs and what happen when the air is let out?
After expressing with the body I gave them a LARGE sheet of paper they we excited and overwhelmed with the size of the paper. All this time I was making them draw on A4 suddenly I gave then an A1 size they all started drawing intricately, but I kept instigating them to draw what the felt and use the expanse of the sheet, Slowly their bodies started to move and use the whole paper. It was very interesting to see their interpretation of the session. Because air is light they started by moving their crayons lightly. I encouraged them to move away from form. With form comes basis and I wanted them to just feel and draw rather than concentrating on the prettiness of the drawing which was difficult for them. They did something out of their comfort zone today.
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